Recently finished :D

178 648

Have you guys watched yet????

31 186

Oh my gosh has everyone seen this fun cartoon that and has get together and airing on Netflix right now? I’m rather enjoying it that I had to do some fanart scribble

4 11

Hype Hyyype! I love this show!! Only 9 eps was such a tease! Had to do some fan art. A massive shoutout to the crew who had to sit on such an awesome show for so long! Congrats guys ;-)

26 71

I finally had some time to watch and it’s amazing. after a long time its good to see Nickelodeon doing good shows again. (also Miko is the best thing on the show, I just love her❤️)

77 329

Some of my favorite Miko expressions.

12 55

Something I'm proud of that folks are starting to notice: isn't trying to convince you its cool. Its earnest, dorky, corny & a love letter to things that brought our crew together. It likes itself and hopes you like it too, but if not its just gonna keep on dancing.

82 412

Miko cannot stop (ver. 2)

18 120

Yeah 7 got released but have you all seen Glich Techs yet?!
Got all hyped up with both the show and the album *^*

23 99

It's a simple formula.

-Binge new cartoon
-Draw cartoon cutie


36 165

ok so they are ALL our special babies but this one was like cramming two features into 22 minutes and makes me choke up every time I watch. It was actually the 16th episode we produced & the team was workin like a hive mind.

7 55

Miko is the best for stickers.

119 537

Hey all remember to set HDTVs so that MOTION SMOOTHING (a default setting for sports) is turned OFF (aka cinema mode or motion blur) to guarantee u see smooth animation! If it looks choppy u are not seeing it as it was animated!!!

22 124