Sketch from 1998 of Shirley Eaton Bond girl Jill Masterson in Goldfinger. What a very nice, nice woman.

4 11

"You're a kite dancing in a hurricane, Mr Bond." New artwork of Daniel Craig as in SPECTRE.

6 12

Et voilà un dessin qui attendait tranquillement au chaud, attendant que Daniel Craig confirme son retour... Nous y sommes !

0 1

You Only Live Twice 1967

149 205

When is told not to break the equipment.

3 7

Always our Naomi in The Spy Who Loved Me. Happy birthday to the 1 and only Caroline Munro. "Such lovely lines."

5 10

Commissioned by Bond...JamesBond

31 142

My final artwork of 007 for 2016. Brosnan in 1995. Blessed for so much support & kindness. CHEERS.

26 47

"That girl didn't know one end of her rifle from the other." Timothy Peter Dalton.

16 36

Roger Moore, October 1972 filming of Live And Let Die.

17 34

Peter Sellers as Evelyn Tremble/James Bond 007 in Casino Royale. 50th anniversary next year.

2 5

Happy birthday to Mie, Happy birthday to Mie.

3 10