I understand his feelings but no, I firmly believe that Maruna did the right thing back then

0 9

Menaka??!! Kubera called Menaka??!!

0 9

I'm just glad that he feels this way, that's the only silver lining when it comes to this terrible situation for me

0 9

Don't worry baby, someone else did…

0 7

Ooh, I can feel how deep her anger and resentment towards her once favorite creations are. "You abandoned the privilege of the winners and threw yourselves into the universe of losers" is such an interesting line. What was the privilege of the winners, I wonder

0 8

I wonder how many times she recreated them?

0 7

I'm just gonna say that I think it's really meaningful that we see this monologue after what that human said to Maruna in the last chapter about a life being like a universe not applying to humans only.

0 10

Okay, I didn't wanna bring that up before because there aren't many similarities between them but I always got Teo vibes from this person so now Brahma saying this is really making my blood boil

0 8

And how do *you* feel about this, Kubera

0 8

Congratulations Brahma for becoming one of the few characters I hate in There's not many people there so that's truly an honor🙃🙃

0 8

I don't know if I've ever addressed this before but I already made my judgment about Brahma the moment I learned that she thought it would be better for Kinnara to have the name Airavata and this was the last drop for me.

0 9

Brahma, what the fuck are you doing??!!

0 9

Right?? I'm so incredibly proud of him myself❤❤

0 7

I feel Maruna's pain there, he really does care about the ancient humans

0 9

Ohh that's really clever. He realized that Kubera was watching him all this time so he "threatened" to expose himself to Gandharva in order to lure him out

0 9

I think he just realized something super important but I'm not sure if that was a good idea to do something like that

0 9

Yesss, omg, I'm so glad he's questioning this!

0 9

Ugh, I understand that he believes there's no way to save these humans anyway so might as well save Raltara but that logic is still pretty biased because he knows that Raltara is gonna die someday as well

0 8

Aa, I hate this! She trusts him so freaking much… Maruna, please do not betray her trust

0 8

Oh I didn't even think about what Maruna was eating all this time, good to know

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