Heir to the Empire Cover, art by Mathieu Lauffray.

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Inktober Day 13. Today's prompt Dune. Luke getting accosted by those darn Tusken Raiders again...

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Star Wars: The Storms of Crait, art by Mark Mayhew.

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Luke Skywalker X-wing, by Tony Santiago.

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Luke and The Lost Jedi Temple pt5, art by Pilot Studio.

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Luke and The Lost Jedi Temple pt2, art by Pilot Studio.

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Luke and The Lost Jedi Temple, art by Pilot Studio.

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Star Wars Vol. 2: Showdown on the Smuggler's Moon cover. Art by Stuart Immonen.

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"A Jedi does not grasp at power. A Jedi is not a dominator, not an oppressor. To grasp for power is to abandon the ways of the Force. Such a one ceases to know the Force, except in his dark side...”

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