画質 高画質

Dibujé esto con 37.5°C de temperatura, plis no lo dejen flopear (:^)-b

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El reciente más literario:
Caperucita afronta el bosque "Antisocial Media"
desvela la vista al dentista del Gato de Chesire
y Max cuela el metaverso en Pinocho

➕#literatura &

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Caturday or raturday …

it’s a day.. mferssss

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GMGG it’s Caturday/Raturday

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I thought I would finish it before feb 14 but I almost died from the high temperature while I was studying to my exams but anyway 💙

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Meu grande objetivo é reproduzir alguns dos gêneros consagrados do video game com uma nova abordagem nos temas e na narrativa, buscando referencias em todas as artes, como o cinema, HQ, literatura, Artes Plásticas, e outras. Uma abordagem Anacrônica.


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My goal is learn and reproduce some old retrogame genres mechanics, but with a new take on
themes and narratives. Always looking for references in all forms of arts: cinema, comics, literature, and others, to offer new content in a classic gameplay.


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Hay que leer más me parece 😬

Miren, yo no soy ninguna experta en literatura latinoamericana ni he leído tanta como debería, recién ahora estoy volviendo a consumirla así mucho. Pero puedo decir que la distopía es un género que se escribe en LATAM, y bastante de hecho. https://t.co/5FpwGb9mJy

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Sayaka Maizono has joined the Literature Club!

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