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does your OC have a sibling?? If so What's their relationship like? 👀👀
Chase has his older brother, Chance, who took over as his parental guardian. They bicker and tease, but no matter what- Chase is Chance's baby brother, >:0!! And no one's gonna mess with him on his watch!!

12 67

A low-key vent featuring the first parental figure character I had that popped into my brain
I forgot how much fun Botan was to draw I should spend more time on it but I will not

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1 36

parental death mention ?? //
seeing chilli's entire family with the context of us never having seen her mom in before this point + her having a strained relationship with her sister makes her moment with her dad in Granddad hit so much harder

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A scientific diagram of shenhe parental figure

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it was taisuke from rental boyfriend. he was my first otome boyfriend. still love him to this day. ❤️😌

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Parental support for everything ❣️

(continues below 👇)

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Parental Advisory Explicit Content(上げ直し)

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I’ve made some parental figure design concepts aha-

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I think if Big Bang Mission ended with a single kamehameha it'd be lackluster.
With a lot of fights happening in the same place, its not out of the question for FF Mira to get involved, and maybe tank that kamehameha as a last act of parental love
Im a sucker for that.

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🔸連続ドラマW 東野圭吾「さまよう刃」
🔸ザ・デーモンハンター 魔道伝説
🔸ウィドウ 怪物の森


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セリフ枠凄く楽しませて貰いました✨やっぱり笑いがおきる( *´꒳`*)੭⁾⁾しかも蓮くんにピッタリの台本をリスニーちゃんが探してるのも笑った!刺激が強めで読めないのは可愛かったww普段とのギャップよ…(*´罒`*)

4 46

I have a oc type and it’s called parental figures w/ blades

(Zhuang is from an alt AU here, hence why he’s a gibbon hehehehe)

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