在 MM 裡玩一個叫做 LOLOL 的遊戲,
然後他的角色長的跟塔里克有九成像...... 伊澤!?
A blond cute boy,
play a game called LOLOL in MM.
and his game charactor is so similar to Taric... Ezreal! ?

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お絵描き練習ツール「AtarichanDrawer」 あらゆる角度から人体を描く練習! https://t.co/ll4dBT4IeD

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🇨🇷 is my country which despite lots of fears and doubts seems to be making the right decisions to keep going. And is also the only home most of us have, so this is a happy moment in history. My characters Elias, Daniel and Susana (L to R) … https://t.co/LaWHqLpPqF

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Hannah Glasse?s 310th Birthday, 3/28/18, Australia, Bolivia, CostaRica, Croatia, DominicanRepublic, Ecuador, ElSalvador, Guatemala, Honduras

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Made this for the lols 😂
Vote for your fav at my Facebook page : https://t.co/ubSFr2lMUN

//Taric will be coming soon 😉

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Primary「PS 2005-2013」(2015年) シングル9枚を詰め込んだベスト。シングルを持ってない身としては嬉しい企画。9年の時差があるだけあってさすがに時代を感じる曲もあれど、ポップでロックな心の清涼剤てんこ盛り。強いて挙げるなら「ASPIRE」「Aster tataricus」がお気に入り。

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Hey Its Blonde Taric

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Hello I'm Alexandra, costarican freelance illustrator & comics flatter who lives in Australia. I love drawing all sorts of cute things!!!


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WHOAH, I forgot about AtarichanDrawer-- 😱!

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Zoe x Ez X lux!
Wait a minute...Riot, where is Taric?
This is a important to have this special person between their relationship!

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