
37 89

As promised~ here's the sketch of from It will begin to look much different as it gets polished up. 😍I love going back and seeing the difference once it's done.

2 7

Since I did a mindflayer, figured I'd do a githyanki. Dragon-riding, serious bunch, yoo-hoo. Still fiddling with brushes, and practicing head angles. 💖

15 49

Also, can I make fanart for a voice? I made fan art for a voice. Amelia Tyler is incredible as the narrator in I just had to make a portrait for the game's enigmatic all knowing, omnipresent *authority* figure imagined as a cosmic deity.

19 87

Finally finished all the Origin characters/companions! 😤😤😤 1/2

96 377

its a tits out kind of day

40 116

some rough sketches when i should be studying instead

2 14

Привычной сказкой
Рассвет встречаю и закат,
Умелой лаской
Ты будешь снова мною взят.
И вечный голод,
Моя душа, твоей души,
Укроет полог

Желанной нежности в тиши.

Просто аааааа, кто-нибудь спасите моё сердечко от разрыва этой игрой

2 13

Пытаясь понять как рисовать в этом стиле, случайно нарисовала Астариона.

29 148