Mortals, our beloved fandom is currently under attack from a persistent scammer who is using several twitter accounts to contact fans, and ask them for money. If an unverified account contacts you and claims to be Tom Hiddleston, please report and block them immediately.

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I also made a Cofagrigus Loan Shark that is the leader of a ghost type gang & used to be a herdier

The scammer furfrou twins are his pals

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This woman fights the scammers who go after your parents' money. Here are her war stories

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the signs as joanne the scammer gifs 🌟


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(・ 火 ・)今夜は番狂せday
昨日から【8月の番狂せの展示】majocco「Romance Scammer」がスタートしております 本日19:00-23:30までお店番してまーす よろしくどうぞ♡

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|| A most disturbing thought. If Stan never regained his memory and went back to being a scammer salesman.

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Vinci 1 Distintivo "Cattura lo scammer!", scopri come su!

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