(Old art)
Want it, need it, à la mode
Serve that shit fucking cold! ♪

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reptiles are sensitive to the cold!!

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Luna, you need to get out of the water before you catch a cold!

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This kiddo is wrapped up tightly for the continuing cold!

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One whole degree warmer, fml its too cold!

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Jeeze I'm not leaving the house till the temperature goes up, its crazy cold!

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super cold! http://t.co/y2ATR8h

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super cold! http://t.co/y2ATR8h

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super cold! http://t.co/y2ATR8h

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super cold! http://t.co/y2ATR8h

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super cold! http://t.co/y2ATR8h

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Cold!!! http://t.co/y2ATR8h

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Cold!!! http://t.co/y2ATR8h

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Cold!!! http://t.co/y2ATR8h

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Cold!!! http://t.co/y2ATR8h

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Cold!!! http://t.co/y2ATR8h

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Cold!!! http://t.co/y2ATR8h

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Cold!!! http://t.co/y2ATR8h

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