images that... precede a chomp...?

294 600

The Two Jewels of the Emperor challenge you to a battle!

8 16

| | Hades and Persephone, only with Hubert and Ferdinand

155 335

Tea time date with the Crimson Flower Vampires ^^⚰️🧡


179 354

coffee pantyhose are real thing + eng translation

3 22

My very first Ferdibert fanart (〃艸〃)
Tea, coffee, flowers, what do you want more!? (〃▽〃) I enjoyed using all the warm colors, but I still need to get used to draw dark-only characters D'x Hubert was a challenge.
I think I want to draw more of the two of them.

47 97

Hey everyone! You can now buy my Fire Emblem prints here! I usually only sell these at cons, but I'll put them up for a limited time so that my long-distance friends can get them instead of having to fly to the states. Enjoy!

136 381

Angsty ferdibert pillow preview is one of the funniest things redbubble has shown me

0 14

incredibly niche short hair lesbo ferdibert just for me but maybe you'll enjoy it too

210 597

happy beautiful lingerie and hairy legs of /

58 141

[fe3h] some ferdibert scribbles

395 891

You take me in your arms
And suddenly there's sunlight all around me
Everything bright and warm
And shining like it never did before
And for a moment I forget
Just how dark and cold it gets

195 391