I can't believe this was the LAST SEASON!! T_T Here is a tribute to what may happen in the future with these two. GUYS I can't believe we had such a beautiful series!!

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An AU on which Gilbert and Bash were childhood besfriends! I already have other ideas for this "characters as kids" series so keep an eye for updates! :D I also have to continue my PIRATE! series!

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Some quick drawings of and as Diana and Cole :D This is from the awesome soirée on Aunt Jo's house! One of my favourite episodes :)

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12 ноября - Зиновий Синичник, Синичкин день. Справа налево сверху вниз: большая синица (Parus major), буроголовая гаичка (Poecile montanus), тиссовая синица (Parus varius), хохлатая синица (Lophophanes cristatus)

4 27

Bellach mae 55 cofnod sy'n cofnodi 58 menyw anghofiedig o hanes Cymru ar gael i'w darllen ar wefan Prosiect Drudwen!

Hoffech chi helpu ehangu'n dealltwriaeth o hanes menywod Cymru? Anfonwch DM os hoffech chi gyfrannu blogiad, neu ebostiwch prosiectdrudwen.com

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Shanessa getting some well needed belly rubs after a long stuffing session. Seems Lilo has been getting in on the fun too.

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My oc Shanessa finishing up the last of her snack stash. Time to 'restock' i.e. sneak entire boxes of snacks from the pantry.

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Johhanes Vossさんの天使達マジで最高や

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Let’s pretend that I’m watching the latest season that is only airing at Canada.

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Monopods (dwarflike creatures with a single foot) get an early mention in Aristophanes’ 413BC The Birds. Pliny the Elder in his Natural History (77CE) recounts travelers tales that these monsters are to be found in India.

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Can we all appreciate the beautiful skyline in yohanes new UR?

0 16

“Dywedodd pobl, 'dylech chi ddim bod yn dysgu hynny'. Pam ddim? Fe ddigwyddod. Dylai plant bod yn ymwybodol.”

Betty Campbell oedd pennaeth du cyntaf Cymru. Parhewch ei hetifeddiaeth trwy dysgu Hanes Pobl Du: https://t.co/G3knX8oZcR

5 8

Wall Paintings in Wales
15 Hydref, Cymdeithas Hanes Edeirnion, 7.30pm. Sgwrs gan Richard Suggett, hanesydd pensaernïol y Comisiwn Brenhinol, ar furluniau yng Nghymru. Rhoddir y sgwrs yn Neuadd y Pentref Carrog, Corwen, LL21 9AS. Croeso i bawb.

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シーズンを問わず楽しめる心地いいTシャツ !!


Photo :
Model : @ _sheep_tommy_

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