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Tonight’s stream was so much fun 💕
WE BEAT KALAMARI! I refuse to call them their actual name
Thank you and
for the raids!! I love you both
We ended by raiding 💖

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Levy cepetan dilamar si harusnya kata aku 🤣🤣

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Le hice un calamar loco a mija, , si alguien quiere uno pásenme su avatar/oc y a ver si lo hago que ocupo dibujar mas rápido, denle amor a la chamaca

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Kallamar is still pissed Narinder deleted his Minecraft world

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I'm going to turn her tentacles into calamari 🤤


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Thanks for the thread!! Hii! I'm Calamara and I love painting with vibrant colors!!

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Alguien que me enseñe a dibujar personajes chikitos? qwq 💙
Tipo tamaño Bf .w. 💙

(Imágen para llamar la atención uwu 💙)

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Uno de los dibujos que más me gustó y que menos relevancia tiene aquí jaja
Se llama... mmm... no sé cómo llamarla xd
Pd1:hagan lo quieran con ella
Pd2:ya se que debo dibujar lo que me sugirieron por los 2000 seguidores estaré en eso cuando me desocupe.

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a esta la llamare... judy

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I started small, but my ambition grew!
And now I'm known across the ocean blue
All my life, what I've wanted to be
The fiercest monster in the deep blue sea! ~

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а что это у нас тут такое малюсюсенькое

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More Pokémon fusions! First up: Klefki fused with Carbink (Binki), then Sableye (Gemlin). Then Lopunny "fused" with Pumpkaboo (Lazy HW Costume) and Malamar (Buninkling).

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The Timelapse of my drawing of Calamaramon.

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This was a really fun episode XD.
Nice interaction between characters, Gammamon getting a bit rebellious for once, a fun and really expressive antagonist, and a bit of plot progression at the end.
I couldn't ask for more XD.

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