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Players who failed to get Ling/Lee be like:

10 52

Good to have you back Jampz!! Favorite rn is the 1/1 ling

0 5

Story by Bill Spangler
Art by Michael Ling
Eternity Comics, April 1990

4 17

YAHOOOO I had about 260-ish pulls saved and she came home in about 200 (with 20 blacknights and 4 Lees LOL) I asked LING (sister) to pull for me but it just attracted many Lees instead KAKDDJDJDJD

0 5

GOOD LUCK EVEYONE!!! I wish ya'll open a Ling bag today!!!

4 26

Pulled 3 Ling and 4 Lee so far
Waiting to do my free pulls before doing 80 more for the spark

0 2

ว่าแต่Lingอ่ะ 180โรลยังไม่ออกเลย

1 2

this is the mou ikkai ling of good luck

16 19

Ling & Lee banner
Total: 60 pulls

Ling (New)
Blacknight (New) Pot 2
Ptilopsis (Dupe)
Croissant (Dupe)

Pull Lee? Nah... aku cuma pull buat limited
Dia dateng lewat daily freepull ya syukur kalopun ga dateng ya... yaudah...

Saatnya speedrun event

0 3

Ayeeeee, got Ling in under 41 pulls. Insta E2 Lvl 90 her too because I am an obsessive idiot. Not gonna pull anymore, I really hope I can pull for Nian and Dusk in the next 13 free pulls.

0 0

I wanted him the least out of all the rate ups……

At least I got ling……

No dusk or nian……..

0 3


oh and ling also I guess
rocc for attention

2 21

Like for the luck! I will be liking this Tweet myself for copium and hopium as I didnt get Chalter and I stg if I didn't get Ling I'm going to fuckin cry

76 521