''The bower meadow'' by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1872), at

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Hey all! Come join us at 9:30PM PT (an hour!) for more reading time! We're going to read Christina Rossetti's "Goblin Market" poem first and then continue on with more Dorian Gray. Hope to see you there! https://t.co/xuA0pMhV9a

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The Damsel of the Sanct Grael or Holy Grail, 1874

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Beatrice, Meeting Dante at a Wedding Feast, Denies him her Salutation, 1855

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“Rosa Triplex”
Triple portrait of May Morris
~ Dante Gabriel Rossetti
PB.CrM - sapientiae, potentia, amor

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Además de ejercer de musa y modelo, estudió pintura con Rossetti. Pintó un autoretrato, que difiere bastante del canon de belleza prerafaelita. Ruskin admiró su trabajo y le pagaba por las obras que realizaba. La mayoría fueron bosquejos, dibujos, acuarelas, y una pintura al óleo

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