It’s been 11 years , I still remember it as it were only yesterday, the sound of crackling fire on the hearth, the delicious smell of the soup- Thors, Helga, Ylva - the smile of your face when you were a kid 🥀🥀😭

3 28

Only 2 episodes left! I can't wait to jump into manga. Just wait for me!
But for now here is my favorite trio of this year✨✨✨

53 177

Askeladd crosses the boundaries of justified good and evil , he’s not a good man but is he a pure evil monster ? He’s charming but deceitful ~ Askeladd is truly complex character and despite everything you can’t help loving him .

5 31

Vinland Saga christmas fanart. With two thorfinns, except the slave, so...i hope u like it!

2 4

【 「#VINLANDSAGAMAP」 第17~20回が一挙公開!】
《マーシア伯領 北部》にてトルケルを従えたクヌート一行はスヴェン王が待つ《ゲインズバラ》へと向かいました。

132 546

Young Askeladd was a total adorable soft boi once just d’aww ~ 🥰🥰🥰
🔥 🗡


8 25

Saw 1st ep. Do you have any thoughts to share? This one shows promise as a heavy story hitter involving family, war, & surviving the winter. Initially drawn in for the viking manliness, it's seem to be more drama driven than I expected which is good.

0 12

I have gone feral for the vinlands

33 67

I played with my niece app and made Thorfinn and Gudrid in Chibi Lol 😂 omg

0 2

تلويني للاسطورة 💙.

اسكيلاد الشخص الذي تلاعب بالملك وتابعيه ويخطط لي اسقاط الملك 😍🔥.

احد اعظم الشخصيات عندي في عالم المانجا ❤️

اتمنى يعجبكم التلوين وهذا اخر تلوين لي .
لان الفتره القادمة اختبارات نهائية عندي .. "̮

استمتعوا 💖

31 52

Sad stuff aside Askeladd had been looking damn fine this episode tho

4 29

~ The type of warrior you are can be seen in your eyes ~ ⚔️

The level of detail in animation , 👌 fantastic !

5 22

Basicamente el final del arco de la guerra.

2 10