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This tiny Pumpkaboo wants to join you in your adventures!! + dusk ball

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This cute Milcery wants to help you!! You might help him evolve too + heal ball

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This Marowak would like to join you!! + heavy ball

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This Krookodile likes your style, he will def take your glasses when you are distracted! + repeat ball

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This Solosis is very clumsy, he usually loses the slimy substance around him when he accidentally hits a wall, make sure to give him plenty of treats, poor baby!! + friend ball

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This Bunnelby is very calm and likes to sunbath! + nest ball

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You might have to clean up after this Goodra, but he's very sweet! + luxury ball

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This Delcatty likes your style! He wants you to dress him that way too!! He also prefers to participate in Pokémon Contests rather than fighting! + heal ball

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This special (shiny) Zoroark (Hisui) wants to join you. He seems a bit serious and doesn't like cuddling, but he is very protective! + luxury ball

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This playful Fennekin is softly biting your tail when you're distracted, startling you! He seems to have fun that way (if you playfully bite his he will cry like a baby) + repeat ball

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This Turtwig is trying to imitate your fighting style, he's really trying his best!! + friend ball

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This Litten is very curious! He likes sitting on your shoulder, even tho he is a bit too big for that... + luxury ball

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This cute and fluffy Woobat likes you, will you let him join you? + dusk ball

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This Clefairy is a bit moody but he loves cuddling when nobody is looking! (he can't let them think he's a softie!!) + heal ball

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This sweet Slurpuff approaches you. He loves baking sweets and will gladly share them with you!! + heal ball

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This funny Roggenrola likes playing hide and seek! Can you find him? + heavy ball

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This Musharna feels drawn to you for some reason... he loves the taste of bittersweet dreams + dream ball

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Dragon ball Z | Frieza Saga | 42

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My DM is sharing designs she drew for a masquerade ball happening in our game right now so I figured I'd share mine as well. Here's my Oceanborne (custom race made with my own more in-depth custom race rules) Oath of Open Sea Paladin Chaika Zmei in her anglerfish gown.

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Sinclair Maurer - Reborn - A picture of 's character from my fantasy campaign I'm running. Gotta look spiffy in chains for the masquerade ball in lab coat chique!

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