画質 高画質

discovered few minutes after posting the previous # so yea.... forgive me for self-promoting twice.....
I'm Karolina and love to draw sapphic things and sketch a lot! expressions are cool

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Hello! I’m an illustrator working in D&D, fanart, and comic about my life

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Hi! I'm a viz dev artist from South Africa specialising in background design! You can find more of my work on instagram! https://t.co/sNGZeKmsiK

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is also super cool! Leaning into what makes me me and finding what I think is fun and meaningful has been more satisfying than any numbers! I love sharing my work with people and growing in the craft. I’m going to be making pictures no matter what

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*yeets my hat into these tags* heyo I’m roscoe and I draw fire emblem stuff
[ ]

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Okay, hi 😌

I'm a learner (this the no consistency in my art style)

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im crow! 22 (will be 23 at the end of the month) y/o neurodivergent queer nb digital artist

im doing artfight and heres some of my pieces im proud of!

(none of the ocs are mine!)

i appreciate any and all forms of interaction! 💖

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Hello and I'm Whirlwynd, aka CL Caldwell. I've been in the webcomics game since 1998. I also do animation!

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Summoning good vibes for my art career 🙌

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HI! I'm Avia, a NB latinx illustrator who is close to graduating college. I love to design characters, OCs and FanCharacters, and colorful art and little stories!


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Now the tag is something I can better get behind, so let's try this again:

Hi, I'm Victoria, and here are my fantasy art contributions!

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toeing into as well because, while I am playfully self-deprecating, I do appreciate what I do now and then (and I especially appreciate all of you who like it too 🖤✨)

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Now this hits better!

I'm Eric and

I like fighting games, muscles and comics about fighting! I like making characters that punch and kick real good! I hope to turn one of my concepts into a big thing one day!

Here's some recent design faves! Plus...

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Helloooo I’m Pandamasky and this is the type of content I create!

if you like it maybe give me a follow or a retweet pretty pls 👉🏼👈🏼

Oh and I’m also currently working on an oc comic series! (Check pin)

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oh my name's Cellie and i do lots of character art! I have a fantasy webcomic too if ur into that

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😬 I’m jo, a writer and illustrator in the wilds beyond NYC

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my name’s ash. i like my oc kids and nct 👏

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I might not have a ton of followers but I'm so grateful for the support that I do have ✨💛 Especially when my art is kinda just whatever I feel like doing sometimes!

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Hi I’m James, thought I would give this a try. I’ve been trying to experiment with my art more and more lately, and honestly this hastag is just so inspiring

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i'm Sian, a disabled queer artist from Scotland I mostly draw fanart of whatever my current special interest is (FE3H atm)

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