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powerlifter/weightlifter's worst enemy: cardio lol

3 26

No way
Sen joined the Murder Drone Fandom?? 😨

Anyways meet U, she's basically like all other Murder Drone except she's opposite of them as love being friends with Worker Drones ❤

9 134

Saw this trend on tiktok, decided to do it with Edmond and Theo because it just vibes with them

6 6

Birds here we are!!
Did some more drawings with
^^^This dude is super cool ^^^

5 11

🦌 OC, Eva! Still working on a proper outfit for her. Bonus version of first pic too 👀

1 12

Been away for a while, so here is some art for the people that see this.

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💋 When you’re both being manipulated by tall freaky monsters that force you to k!|| people.

My OCs Void (The Mother’s proxy/child) and The Observer (Slenderman’s proxy)

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I was so sure I posted this then I remembered I didn't 🧍so here's an oc meme from like 3 weeks ago

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OMG! Benimaru Shrinks with These Shrink Ray! This is What Happens Today... I Wonder What Mai Mai Came Up To?

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