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3) Favourite? Sorry, I just think she’s neat.

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6. favourite regional form

going by bulbapedia's defn for regional form. not too many stand out a lot to me, but arcanine-h did. i think its a great spin on arcanines design

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5. favourite mega evolution and gigantamax

for mega, mray again for the reasons above

my favourite gigantamax is kingler, its pretty much the only gmax that i like. i actually got scared when i saw this thing in game LMAO its a good design

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old thing but still one of my favourite little doodle things.. enfridged......

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4. favourite legendary

tie. in all 3 cases i love the design. mray is just so gorgeous and cool, kyurem's asymmetric and extraterrestrial, and wo chien is probably a top 10 design ever for me. mray and kyurem also have great comp ussage. we don't talk about wo chien

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Iyanna's favourite food is cheese, but she keeps on forgetting what it's called. Whenever she wants more she'll ask a random person for "yellow ham"

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4. Favourite OC Decsign
My own- Relic the Gryphon
Adopted- Tie between Ether the Wolf(art by Togekisser) and Gavel the Jellyfish (Art by Toastyraincloud)

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A bit of an old sketch, but one that I thought was fun to share.
Athazagoraphobia is one of my favourite fnf songs, so I thought it was fun to do some poses and mood of my own for the song :D

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3. Favourite OC

It's so hard to choose because I have so many, but the ones I really want to expand on/draw more are
~Cecil the Sealion
~Julep the Mole
~Pikaru the Chinchilla

(Also pictured is Hikari Hare, but she doesn't make the list. Sorry bby I love you regardless)

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1. favourite pokemon

it's a tie between these two. i can't pick one over the other

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The twins will forever remain my favourite characters in the game 😌

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This is just ONE of my favourite Dirtbag Dave's:
Here, he is:
A true romantic
A lovable rogue
A botanist
A trend setter
A simple non pretentious soul....
And I love his daisy hat!!

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They do a lil boogie
My favourite CG from "I'm a Copycat" XD


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just a fake screenshot of your favourite bounty hunter (not really)

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My favourite critique of chatgpt or whatever its called - '... an overly censorious butler who just happens to have ingested the entirety of the world’s knowledge and still manages to come across as an unexciting dullard'

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One of my favourite pieces I’ve done this year, I’m in love with the colours ✨❤️


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mr. stenchy experiment 254

function: to use his charm and emit a noxious odor 48 hours after his activation

okay hear me out i know hes stinky but i think hes so heckin cute hehehe he was one of my favourites in the show :3 but also idk i feel like it fits with your flower hehe

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All of them still hold up as some of my favourite art I've made

Good experience with the people, good process and good results
All around a good time

(Aid belongs to )
(Ran belongs to )

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