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happy !!! here's some of my favorite doodles from yours truly over the years

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Happy !! Enjoy some Snomance (Snom Romance) ❤️❄️

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Too late to make anything new for but here’s my favorite poke fanart from the past year.

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I drew this for you as a gift, I hope you like it.

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something I've been wanting to do for a while, but seemed as good a time as any to kick myself into gear and finish my trainersona! sure, they're not a trainer exactly, but they still love their partners dearly and want to do their best for them!

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Apparently is a thing... here's a very accurate 'where are they now' piece I drew up a while ago

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Marshadow, I like the color scheme on this one lol 💜

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Also to celebrate my premade Gen 8 Starters Emotes are now 20% off for 24 hours 🥰


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oc posting on main because its and the ones i used in white were either on the top 30 overall or top 30 for the region!

well, almost all of them-

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You are challenged by Shez! Do you accept?

Finished this personal artwork just in time for

Who is in your team??🌸

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Coming in under the wire but there’s still an hour left! Silly little collab doodle with , Happy Pokémon Day!

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Oh you thought I forgot about Nope, I'm just late! Here's a happy little


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Happy !!! Wanted to get something out before the day ended.

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Drew my wife as a Pokemon trainer. Was thinking of offering this for people who want to use them for their profiles, digital pieces. No idea what the going rate is for something like that. Any thoughts? Or Interest?

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Also happy Pokémon day which is also every day. Here’s Pokefan Sadie, repping my favs arcanine and jolteon.

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Happy show off my new prints in celebrating the birth of pokemon.
More art to come.

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