画質 高画質

MEU DEUS, não sei nem explicar................. essa arte só ficou tudo pra mim???? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

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Learning to paint. Already feel like I've come so far... Gonna be practicing heads in black and white for a while to get basic skills down

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And today... I serve you with... even more cringe. Like promised! 😇
I mean the outfit is 100% canon at least!! *sweats*
I'm so sorry, Johnny!! xD
(He can deal with it... I swear... xD)

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(It was for the New year..._(:3 」∠)_

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Prinz Heinrich from Azur Lane.
I fall in love with her at the first sight and I already got her from gacha! ok sugar.....I will draw you!!
This is first draw on Macbook pro M1 + Wacom1 with Clip studio.
I must say...this device make my life easier.

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ITS MY BOY IVLIS AGAIN AAAAAAAA U3U love you baby.... kiss kiss,, ywy I spent so long lining but my colouring is not on par... still quite happy with overall improvement tho! i'm tired of doing detailed stuff, so I think I'll try and do something simpler next time

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Quién podría imaginar qué lo de Madrid, lo de Almeida y Ayuso dejando de recibir 1000 millones al año por bajar los impuestos a los Cayetanos iba a pasar.....

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Llevar-me, per falta de son, molt aviat, no m'agrada. Però és fer-me un bon cafè, posar-me a dibuixar una mica, a llegir o a divagar...i començar a gaudir molt de la situació. Quasi em sento un privilegiat que està vivint un moment que molts es perden.

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I saw a need and fillled it.... I'll probs make moar...


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Me puedo enamorar
y entregame a ti rendido..
Me puedo enamorar
y caer cómo he caído,.
Me puedo enamorar,
cómo lo hice ayer,..
Me puedo enamorar...♪♬🎼

{Ilustraciones: Pinterest}👌

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ladies and gentlemen, the hero who defeated the minotuar...

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Well, in slightly positive news... i felt super-motivated to actually try drawing with my tablet again all yesterday, and it somehow didn't go away by the time i was able to try.

This took about 1.5 - 2 hours... and actually isn't that bad, for having not drawn for a year...

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Please wear these if you ever meet up this year... or next year.... or next next year..... if you ever sell these..

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age yourself with pics of something that debuted your birth year...

Beep boop https://t.co/dFVN4tiZRO

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I only have one fear... I'm not saying it for my own safety...

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I wish I could give Tisiphone nectar...

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Sure, Lappi plays magical tunes at the tavern, but he doesn’t have the fortitude to hold those powers back when he’s had a few.

Heck, if you give the fox bard enough mead, he might not notice he’s beginning to balloon into a big bear...

(Awesome art by my good friend !) https://t.co/zoJN3qlLaA

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