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Desenhei um dos meus shipps de jojo (não canônico) que é Kira x Rohan, tentei deixar ele no sketch e fazer uma pintura com um pincel aquarela não sei se ficou bom haha<3

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Hello! I’m Andi, and I am a JJBA artist who absolutely loves drawing Kira, Okuyasu, and Ghiaccio 😅 Unfortunately it doesn’t wanna let me add more than one picture so I’ll reply with others :)

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The megane of the day is Kira Kanata from “Aikatsu Stars!”!✨

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This picture was screaming “Yoshikage Kira”, for me ⭐️ ⭐️

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I still have a sneaky feeling it's Kira or Gin. Hehe. And you will... I mean you haven't met hot quincy yet.

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Aku ni bukan digital painter tegar.

Rasa macam ni first time buat commission. Terus family portrait pulak tu haha.

Buat sambil2 je sebab banyak kerja lain. Seminggu baru siap 😂🤣 Ada la part yang tak berapa menjadi tapi kira ok la ni kot haha.

Done in Photoshop.

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I always said and I will say it again, Mathias was the original Kira xD

Also have a keikaku doori Drac as well because yes

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(part 2/2)
Notice what's different for Kira and Bara compared to the rest? :"D

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Blm jd, msh bingung rambut nya, tapi kira2 gini lah

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Interest check: sebenernya udah lama gak buka commish non-chibi (dan sekarang masih ada yg on going lagi diberesin bareng yg chibi-s!). Nah buat upcoming commission, kira-kira apa ada yg minat buat commish style ini? Lebih ke anime-manga style tapi bukan chibi 🤔

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Bangun-bangun eh lagi heboh ya. Kira-kira ada kesempatan game dibikin ke Unreal Engine 5 gak nih? 😂

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The Simpson’s Bizarre Adventure Thread: 7
I, Principal Kira Yoshikage, just want to live a QUIET life. Kira as Principal Skinner

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they say that Kira could be ANYONE...

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💔Eiichi: Lucifer

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Y a pas longtemps, j'ai regardé une vidéo de @/teapuffu avec Kira (la video en question en commentaire) et ça m'a donné envie de le dessiner, je me suis beaucoup (beaucoup) inspirée du style et de la palette de la vidéo. J'en ai aussi profité pour tenter des trucs. 👉👈

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These are Ryou and Kira, my Sheith fan children I created a couple of years ago, I'm so happy I got to draw them again💕💕💕

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