画質 高画質

I don't really do this because I have nothing presentable but I'm Sai and I don't draw as much illustrations as I would like but I enjoy designing fantasy OCs!

15 34

Wassup my name is Grave, I draw webcomics, I love edgeyness and paint bucketing my canvas red

196 1382

I have way too many ocs but my main storyline would be The Shadowlands, I made the story in 2007! It's based very loosely on a macabre Alice in Wonderland concept.

111 402

[#OriginalContentArtist] Hi, I'm Jupi and I make a pokemon moon gijinka fancomic!! I love drawing my ocs and telling stories

6 12

hi everything I draw is either overtly or subliminally about my characters 🦌🌿🦚

103 356

Hi I'm Lahti and I like my oc's a lot and making stories out of them 👉🏽👈🏽🥺

11 25

Hey, /I/ am also an !!
I draw a lot of demons and angels and the occasional object head ✨
I love pretty boys and saturated colors!

Throwin' some other hashtags on for good luck 🌟

17 47

i'm alexander and i care a lot about existentialism and gay shit come vibe with me

2 8

you say?

I almost exclusively draw my original characters + original species, and dabble primarily in aliens. I'm currently working on a project called Xenization, which will be a book about my main OC.

5 10

Heyy I’m Enlik and I draw a romance webcomic about band kids!!! 🎺💗#OriginalContentArtist

142 1061

i dont have much developed original characters but here are my demon girls & human couple that i draw frequently 💗💗

1 8

I love making ocs
thanks for looking!

13 36

there are a lot of new people here, so I wanna show u some of my kids 🌸
first of is a mouse (smol one) story, it's a fairytale about a girl that part of a day looks like a mouse! she
goes on a big trip to help her friend
i'm working on it right now

3 60

i love drawing ocs they are my whole life so i am loving this so much aaaa 😭

i need to draw more of them tbh 😤

7 8

Oh hey ! A lot of the art I do is inspired by a story I'm currently concepting out and writing, working title Farewell My Homeland. In the meantime, I'm learning a lot in the process! 😼

566 3867

Hello. My name is Auto. I'm working on a painting, novel and 3D model for an original project called  (White Dragon's Child).
I'm aiming to make a video or game of them in the future.
My best regards to you.

10 17

Shameless self advertising:
I'm Terra who's (still) a sucker for lighting, clothes, shoes and chests. Are u a chest enthusiast or are u normal?

8 21