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AU where everything is the same, they just have tiny ponytails now. That's it that's the only difference

111 270

the ponytail....its all over for me

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Obligatory ponytail khun ♡ imagine being this pretty all the goddam time

149 326

made a ponytail joong doodle (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

65 217

I don't deserve this cute art. IN A PONYTAIL, TOO? UGH SHE'S ADORABLE. LOVE YOU

3 75

like black long straight double ponytail sailor suit girl ∞ jk大好得不得。

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i drew my interpretation white from pkmn white/black... theoretically. my white tends to lean hard into jock lesbian and uh.... it shows.... her design might change a bit (largely her bangs? and how I do the ponytail maybe)

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Ponytail boys! Shoku's MC Ethan needed a boop on the nose. Ren is always willing to boop people's noses.

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redid her ponytail and already am way happier with it lol

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I commissioned too for the 'draw me based on my voice' thing and I'm so surprised and happy with it 😭 I have a blonde!! Ponytail!! This is the level of coolness I could never reach irl AHAHAHA

Please go support the artist too if you enjoy their works!!

4 20

❝Phew.. it's been a long week.❞

❝And I think I overdid it with my ponytail whip. It's taking forever to brush my hair tonight.❞

1 22

I had the idea of drawing (or his character, or urahara..?) with super straight hair, then ponytail, then longer hair. Yeah.
(I also drew it in a way cuter style than I normally do lol)

6 25

No one:

Not a single soul:


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Khun in a ponytail got me feelin some type of way

32 113

guys. he has. guys he . he has a. a little ponytail. a little. littel ponyt litle pomnytaill

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✨Khun Aguero Agnis✨

A quick Khun sketch because I just couldn't not draw him with that ponytail💦💦💦

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I made some test and add modifications 😊
For the haircut, I decided to make a little different than Hinata by reverse her ponytail and her spikes too. For the color I really like grey hairs with same skin as Hinata and thoses eyes. Maybe red skin is a little too much.

6 18

So neat! Glad to see REDWOOD & PONYTAIL on 's Top Middle School Books of the Year! https://t.co/qFIY2Qbbd2

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"Love Is Love Is Love." recs the REDWOOD & PONYTAIL audiobook, read by &
Full Cast

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