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Jumping on the bandwagon...in style. Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

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Jumping into the trend! I have a few different styles...
...I like drawing cute things :3

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Jumping on this bandwagon 🌚
1️⃣ Abstract, for more conceptual illustrations
2️⃣ Realistic, for portraits and more refined artwork
3️⃣ Detailed, aka my usual style for illustrations and drawings
4️⃣ Greyscale/monochrome shading for sketches

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jumping on this bc i've always felt inconsistent <:3 i like to experiment and try new things every so often !!~

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Jumping on this bandwagon I haven't done a whole lot of experimenting lately so my art all kind of looks the same

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Jumping on !

I really should experiment more with my digital and traditional painting styles!

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jumping into the thing
i draw cute things and also object heads.. and gasters for a long while

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Jumping on the bandwagon for this one! I don't think I've shown the pixel art before, but it's something new I've started doing and it's a really fun an relaxing style for me!

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Jumping on the train...
I like playing around with artstyle, exploring new ones, modifying old habits... I believe it ultimately will only make me stronger as an artist.

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Jumping onto the bandwagon 💪👍
comic book-ish, sketchy paintings, chibi, actual paintings, idk being consistently inconsistent should count for something right?

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jumping on the train! 8D plant-themed🌱

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Jumping on the thing. This is more of a look back at the styles I've tried. I'm pretty fixed nowadays. Don't have larger crops of the older stuff :-O

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Jumping on the bandwagon! Since I'm a crazy cat lady, I decided to show some of my cat artwork haha 😸

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Because I enjoy jumping from style to style

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Jumping on the bandwagon and showing my I once thought it was a weakness that I wasn't super consistent but honestly looking back I'm happy that I experimented as much as I did. ☺️✍️

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Jumping on board with that tend. Each piece is a new and exciting adventure.

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