画質 高画質

uh oh she's implying things again
hour modeus doodle; interview went well i think

7 33

today is my birthday And guess who I got this lovely picture as a gift from?
my own friend Yuki-chan!! ( )
She draws me and my girlfriend so beautifully.Thank you very much!
It's not often that I get such good things from other people. I love it so much💕💕💕

0 4

Dead Space 3 requires an EA account and the EA app to be installed in order to run the game. Neat. So cool. I'm super excited about those things. 🖤💚

1 11

want to do another one of these build the team things but idk why kind of team to doooo

23 168

What if... What if I post little things on a secondary account huh? What if I sell my soul huh?💀💀

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Modern AU 🐺🌼

For a challenge on discord :)) theme : favorite AU trope ✨️

And I just love seeing non-modern things made modern!

This is just a sketch but i kinda wanna refine it into something finished... in the WIP pile it goes for now 💀

5 14

(would love to actually animate him doing silly things...)

7 53

Happy day! I love drawing magic, nature, and animals doing silly things! I’m also looking for representation.

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I went to look at my older art again (can't believe how things have changed). But I picked a few that I think'd be curious to revisit/redraw.

16 46

Got so into things happening in my life I am late AGAIN on my comms, but here’s a sneak peak, with sparkly eyeshadow ~ ✨

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This is actually a redraw of this 2017 Lillie
I fell in love with Lillie's design and story, and Cosmog is cute as well! It's no wonder she was one of the first things I drew as an artist.
Hmm, I think Lillie and Cosmog are due for another redraw, don't you?

1 6

Awww, Nina loves her Uncle so much!

Also did anybody find it weird they changed Nina's character to be evil? They send her to the Academy of Evil because she was too nice. Cortex even replaced her hands because she wouldn't stop hugging cute things, which is kinda messed up...

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Don't put ((lovecraftian:1.5)) into your prompt...scary things happen. You have been warned lol

3 6

Now if BatmaX was on there..


things would be different.

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Femc is still a wip because I have a couple things to fix, but overall liking how this is coming out, should release soon

43 293

Sometimes my community surprises me with fanart! Sometimes its cute and sometimes its piss....


Thank you for the fanart @/wordanotherword I love it!

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a few things for my supрortеrs on bооsty👁️

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