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Stop the rocket! A colour version of one of my last years Inktobers just for fun

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Omega Supreme demonstrates, not for the first or last time, his ability to transform into robot mode out of nothing but his rocket component.
Omega can also extend his tank track like a bridge.

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My Rocketsona (ft. my beautiful baby boy) Obviously inspired by

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there's a few months between these two commissions of the same character.
in just a few months, your ability for characterization through art and attention to detail has skyrocketed. your style has improved, everything about is great.
if anything, it makes me appreciate it more.

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speedy red rocket gal A'ra
made for

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Rocket teaches Chip about the best way to forget about the problems in your life.
What spacey topics should we explain next?

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PAG-ASA 1992-2021
For those who were around in Davao, the birth of Pag-Asa (“Hope”) was huge.
The first Philippine Eagle bred in captivity. Conservation awareness skrocketed. At that time, roughly 200 eagles remained.
Thanks to conservation efforts and Pag-Asa, hope lives on.

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Team Rocket-sona inspired by today's episode from !!

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here's my rocketsona!! they joined team rocket because she wanted a group of close knit best friends and what better way to find them than having them assigned by your boss. she'd just follow jesse and james around and end up befriending whoever they were heckling

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POV you just walked into the Team Rocket hideout and challenged their new leader but now you're not so sure about the whole situation...

I felt COMPELLED after today's episode.

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Got inspired to make my own Rocketsona after watching the latest episode! Here she is with her main, a Runerigus nicknamed Cabal!

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Smug Team Rocket me :[
If ya'll don't watch , you should give it a shot

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inspired by , here's a rocketsona!
i'm not strong, but i'm cool as hell

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im a simple person. i see a sona based episode? i draw a sona too.

i’d be the kind of team rocket member you only ever see in line at the local boba place. i sort of look like i can fight though so ppl leave me alone.

get wrecked martin.

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So the ep today was Team Rocket Sonas, and I love it. Sorry I started in before Karnia's turn so I didn't know I was meant to punish the npc.

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I was inspired by the Team Rocket-sona episode today so I had to do my own.
Rocket Trainer Sophie joins the battle!

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I just watched the new video and I actually drew a Rocketsona and a Galacticsona back in 2019! Maybe I’ll redraw them on a stream some day!

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What if I was part of Team Rocket but my team prevents me from fighting you.

inspired by and

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