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2:30am, struggling with anxiety & can't get to sleep

Suddenly feel+see some kind of bug crawling on my chest

Scream, jump out of bed, grab glasses, turn on lamp

Can't find bug

Now I'm even more anxious & have no clue if the bug was real or a stress-induced hallucination 🙃

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Ugh time for bed😭😭 I AM BEAT!!!! Night peeps😘

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Flat color of the giddy, marked boy just before I go to bed, love you guys, mwah 🧡🧡

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😐😐😐😐 don’t get jealous now😂 just because your husband can’t last long in bed 😭

1 21

Estinien came up with the smacking method and K'oto is aware of and cool with it he appreciates the instant wake up but he never told graha about it so the first time they all slept in the same bed and K'oto started thrashing and estinien smacked the shit out of him he was like

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I am off to bed. I am gonna be sleeping tonight...as soon as I put down the switch, lol.

Well now, I wish you all a good night sleep tonight and hope to see you again tomorrow. Sleep well now 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤

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To everyone messaging me today, sorry for no response. Was put through a big cold and hit a emotional bump on top of it. So I am currently bed written. I should be back in order as soon as the cold is over. Thank you all for understanding and I’ll see you all soon~

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Do not look at how much cat hair is on his side of the bed

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SMKFAN: "*Gets out of bed groggy, as Jenny is snoring and opens the curtains* WHO DE HE-AHHHH!!! *Goes gaga*"
❤️ and 🔁 are strongly appreciated!
(Mentioned) (1/2)

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Wyd if you see my sona under chu bed :3

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I'm heading off to bed but here is some Big dragon lady huggles for ya! Good night!

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dd 3!!!!!(right before bed bc work)

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Our mornings are early. I wake up at 5am rubbing my sleepy eyes and am in the ocean at 6am. Regular members in the lineup. You can also see Kai and Hilo. I hurry to high school after shower and breakfast. And I go to bed at 9pm. We live a super healthy life!

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A girl languishing in bed, unable to get out of bed because of the Monday morning blues.

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Last 1 Added for Tonight, Time For Bed Good Night All

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“Tender mommy cuddles” sticker by , featuring my baby boy thank you for this it’s absolutely precious

Draven taking her little treasure to bed, after a big day of being regressed and babied it sure does tire you out

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