画質 高画質

Tipsy and Sally
Tipsy has an evil personality
Like to cause mischief
Sally is a ghost hand that has its own mind

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concept of my own little rvsb guy.. keep in mind as someone who has watched majority of the series i have taken liberties lorewise and such purely for my own fulfillment lol. so dont attack me for stuff u dont like.

3 17



不管您屬於哪個世代~ 代溝有多大
有沒有~ NERU一周年圖那麼大
Don't mind
我只想說祝各位初二回娘家~ 愉↗️快↘️
nyo nyo nyo~

8 44

"Dreams are the mind’s version of reality perfected"
For 's

69 802

is the new OE drop by “Truth Inside” is about the mystery behind the mask we are showing to people. What is really in our mind? For a second reality appears and we can see it through the artist eyes.

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yknow seeing Sonic not give up during his CyberCorruption in Frontiers & smiling while pushing on & not letting anything stop him reminds me of that scene in SonicX where Dark Oak trapped him in his mind in water or something & he's running on treetops

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not done yet but im doing something dumb :
making a sanic.exe trollpasta type thingy for the fun of it

gonna call it W33d.X , and don't mind the writing style im trying to make it as memey and 2010's era as possible LOLZ

i'll release the doc when im donee

[ ? ]

2 17

JAJAJAJAJJA I've!!!! Had em on my mind? ✨💖 Just ! So soft! Uzui and his WIVES !!!!

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Quick sketch of death. Kinda wanna see it but at the same time my mind is so screwed up anymore I don’t need another night thinking about mortality without sleep lol.

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hi, i would love to work with you! while i'm currently unable to draw due to physical complications it would be super appreciated if you'd keep me in mind💕 i mainly post art on my !n$t, @/riocinart

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Things are simple. Situations are clear. Hurdles are easy. It's our mind which makes it complex and complicated.

8 13

Ummm sir. Get ready to have your mind blown with just 5-10 minutes of research.

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Probably seen her a few times, Margret, one character from a fighting game I had in mind as well, might have her in a story however.

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Don't mind me sneaking in here👀

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Second rabbit pic of the day - just put some fake rabbit ears on Jules, because he doesn't mind.

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is the new OE drop by “Truth Inside” is about the mystery behind the mask we are showing to people. What is really in our mind? For a second reality appears and we can see it through the artist eyes.

1 4

Hope you don't mind me through a boy here ^^

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