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Violence is a dead end. It is a sign neither of courage nor power to shoot rockets at sleeping children or to blow up old women on a bus. That's not how moral authority is claimed, that's how it is surrendered -

By Victor Asowata

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The oppression of men.
We are so much more oppressed than YOU and we will hound, bully, harass, shut down and threaten any woman who disagrees with violence and shame as a warning to anyone else who may want to disagree.

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meg requested a hers is inspired by all the violence against women by the catholic church, she is literally on fire

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An image from our "Into Our Own Hands" which focuses on Nora and her daughter Muna who were forced to flee from violence in You can read their story here: https://t.co/MnwQIIrhg1 The comic was created for

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Use truth as your anvil, nonviolence as your hammer and anything that does not stand the test when it is brought to the anvil of truth and hammered with nonviolence, reject it - Mahatma Gandhi


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Of all tasks of government, the most basic is to protect its citizens against violence - John Foster Dulles


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Great anger and violence can never build a nation - Nelson Mandela

by Francis Odute

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Vent art, sorry for that...'violence'.

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We must overcome oppression & violence without resorting to oppression & violence. We must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love - Martin Luther King


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Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat for it is momentary - Mahatma Gandhi

by Erapi G.E

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Violence ends up defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers - Martin Luther King, Jr.


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The most important element of a free society, where individual rights are held in the highest esteem, is the rejection of the initiation of violence - Ron Paul


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Let us reject violence and selfishness which could destroy our country's unity - Mwai Kibaki


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Really looking forward to going to this later, . Violence is a contagious virus bourne from a host of adverse experiences starting mostly in childhood, we need to develop vaccines for this virus and the primary one must be investing in prevention

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Sally Mann (b. 1 May 1951), American photographer.

"Mann lster focused attention on the landscape of American South. 'Deep South' (1998) explores its romantic yet scarred landscape w/ its lush, bucolic settings, dilapidated plantations, history of loss, violence & racism."

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4/29-M3春 L-07a
新作「V/A - IMMORTAL HARDCORE!!!! VOL.4」、「コアキラ×ラクトいちご-セーラー服とスピードコア」、「MYCIAA - De la violence ordinaire」はM3価格1500円


Fujimi Industry Records頒布作品まとめ

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We have not touched the stars,
nor are we forgiven, which brings us back
to the hero’s shoulders and a gentleness that comes,
not from the absence of violence, but despite
the abundance of it. //

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4/29-M3春 L-07a
新作「V/A - IMMORTAL HARDCORE!!!! VOL.4」、「コアキラ×ラクトいちご-セーラー服とスピードコア」、「MYCIAA - De la violence ordinaire」はM3価格1500円

Fujimi Industry Records頒布作品まとめ

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