画質 高画質

When your favorite food is tainted with your most hated condiment.

11 84

So, I'm done with modern Sonic the Hedgehog. The Meta Era is easily the worst condition this franchise has been in ever. If you like the Meta Era, good for you, but I'm sticking up for MY Sonic. The one and only.

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Okay so.... My two big current interests are Hunter x Hunter and Raggedy Ann and Andy.
Weird combination until I thought.... what if I made a HxH OC?

Ragdoll! He's the "Toy Doctor". He's a powerful healer, but his nen has many conditions.
I may... show more sometime? maybe? :'u

3 15

~rts and likes appreciated

It’s a bit more expensive than my other commisions cause it takes quite a while to make these 👉🏻👈🏻

Same terms/conditions and payment methode as my other commisions! 😌🌱

Thank you for your support!✨

16 31

Hey, je dessine principalement au digi et je fais pas mal de personnages. On peut me contacter en dm twitter. J'ai une fiche de commi épinglée mais les prix sont trop hauts à mon goût, elle donne au moins les conditions et ce que je peux faire ou pas

1 1

Yesterday I fond this ilustration. Well, for all those that do not know, the corner pictures are mine, it cost me a lot of my time and effort to made them. I really dont mind that people use or share them only with the condition of not delete my watermark.

11 51

happy birthday you are the absolute light and love of my life and I would never have grown and been as happy as I am now without your kind heart. thank you for loving me unconditionally conner ❤️ I love you so much, now and for many more years to come.

2 21

Now, because of this change. I will need to get a new art piece of Hikari to go along with her Human Art Piece that depicts her as a Kitsune.

If anyone wants to sponsor that. I'm happy to talk with you about that, due to my mother's condition, spending money is not ideal atm.

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Attack Range: 500
target's missing health % damage(melee attack) (P)
Airborne/dash(Conditional) (P)
Destroying any enemy missiles (W)
Life steal/Critically strike (R)

46 284

A morte de Chadwick Boseman, aos 42 anos, é chocante por vários aspectos. Ter partido tão jovem, escondido tão bem um tratamento contra um câncer nível 3 desde 2016 e ter lutado tão lindamente trabalhando como ator. O Pantera Negra já tinha marcado a história. Agora eternizou.

783 3693

En busca de un tesoro escondido ...

0 17

Glad to see I’m not alone on the Pineapple condiment argument. Pineapple tastes good on pizza!!!!

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Dibujo con deliniado: 5 USD
Dibujo con coloreado: 10 USD
Dibujo con sombreado y demás: 15 USD


Por OCs extra el precio se duplica
Máximo 3 OCs

Las comisiones terminan cuando el tweet quede destinado de mi perfil~

5 17

Viva le amiche, carissima Marijke ! Grazie per le splendide condivisioni !

Conosco vite della cui mancanza
non soffrirei affatto -
di altre invece ogni attimo di assenza
mi sembrerebbe eterno.
🖊️ E. Dickinson


5 7

If you buy me this + shipping (around $200) I’ll be your art slave, I can draw from simple drawings to detailed ones
Reference sheets, icons, cutie patooties, whatever you want!

PLS Retweet and help ur ASD pal with unconditional love for Bob Dylan

33 54

finally I can draw something... my mental condition is getting worse these days.. i am very tired

78 206

Other cards which Sigurd can appreciate using along with him, since they share similar conditionals

c3 Leif - Adds more bonds, buffs
c4 Ethlyn - Skill destruction immunity
c3 Linoan - Unflips bonds, hand exchange
c4 Valjean - Buffs, double breaks orbs

2 20

Se toma muy a juego la clase de “escape y escondite” ^ ^;

2 10

It is I, the Mountain Dew Gremlin with an unfortunately unconditional love for the New York Mets

3 23

Explicação da fruta de TGOH (parte sem spoiler).Na Bong-Chim não tem tanto conhecimento sobre a fruta, em resumo a fruta extrai o poder escondido das pessoas tendo como efeitos colaterais a perda da racionalidade momentânea e talvez a morte. Cap 22 -23

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