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I am not proud in any shape or form..... Well, maybe a little bit

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I have been working on these for a couple of days now. Since some people wanted to do something for the Decharts 3 year anniversary streaming on twitch. I thought I'd do something. These are my favourite highlights but in cartoon form.

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So, after thinking for a bit, my Vampire group decided to continue our chronicle as ponies. Vampire ponies. Yes, you heard it right. Here is Amélia Almeida in her new form.


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Thank you all for those that came to my short (but hopefully sweet) debut. For those that missed it, here's my TRUE FORM.

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Also, 's Winter Tide and my version of Feather May in G3 form. Whipped together without shading and it hurts to look at, but that's by design. XD

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I cant live with this lie any longer. Me trying to become a hero was a lie. I train to become strong and take over the world one day as a parasite (yes, you all were right)
And now its finally time to reveal my true form.
I am sorry i lied to you all! I hope you can forgive me!

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Gaze upon my peak spellcaster form. I am the perfect human.

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Not an NFT, but an example of the style I would put up once I get on the platform. Finished it yesterday.

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Jacc-el in his Hellhound form.
Will redo Angel!Jacc-el soon.

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Code:Genom now can be found on Topwebcomics platform.
If you like what I do and you want to support me and see continuation of the comic, you can vote for it here:
I'd greatly appreciate that <3.

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Fanart of 's young Maria🥰with school uniform.

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hElLo Im DaNgO pAwS, tHe WaGaShI vTuBeR. hOw ArE yOu? To tHe lEfT iS mY nOrMaL fOrM. tO tHe RiGhT iS mY tRuE fOrM, bUt OnLy wHeN mY nAkAmA aRe In DaNgEr AnD i hAvE sEvErAl fLaShBaCks. I wIlL pRoTeCt My FrIeNds!!!!!!

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Today Rhea has made the decision to finally embrace her true form.
Flat chests cannot even compare to the superior power of soft, bouncy oppai.
We shall represent these values from now on.

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Necrotic Shroud - With new additions, as a nod to Cassius' true form.

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"I'm fast no matter the form. Woof!"
SS: There's not an AssistRoid out there that's faster than I am!
S: Heheheh! "Who's a good boy," huh? C'mon, Heath! Keep saying it!
A: I can do way better than this, just watch! Woof!

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Working slowly on the face, I think I can get it finished in a week. (Assuming there are no further complications). I got the first part of the mouth form.

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I like to work with sci-fi/fantasy realities, minimalist compositions while trying to evoke something sensual yet other worldly.

Thank you for the possible invite to the Foundation platform.

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Mhm, Kynadormi takes the form of an unnaturally tall and perpetually angry Night elf lady. She doesn't enjoy the experience and her humanoid form reflects it.

Etheranagos is on the opposite side of the fence and rarely leaves their humanoid form.

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I created & designed an app concept! Introducing Root & Plant, a sustainable social media platform. Open the images for a quick breakdown! Please retweet, like & share my work, my next opportunity could be on your TL! ❤️ I’m also still looking for a design studio to join!

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