画質 高画質

I tried the wax and oil to paint my favourite location - Hay's Bluff near Hay on Wye. It's a beautiful steep hill with a long ridge and panaromic views.

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Or dipping into the ancient past, Govan’s Moot or Doomster Hill. A huge terraced mound surrounded by a ditch and bank, turned into a reservoir by a dye works, and later obliterated by a ship yard

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Me when it's really foggy out:

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tfw you'll never make it to Happy Hill at Jolly Farm Revue

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According to Cornish legend, St Michaels Mt in Cornwall was built by the giant Cormoran. A local boy dug a trench into the side of the island & blew his horn so loud Cormoran woke and rolled down the hill. The boy would earn the name "Jack the Giant Killer."

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Fun morning at the Castle Hill Art Society doing a mom and daughter portrait session. I even matched the models by having my own kid along(school holidays.) She coloured. She thought it was awesome and wants to go again. I suspect the tea time TimTams are the attraction. 😆

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So I was looking at the Silent Hill 3 manual and the back of it has a preview for Lament of Innocence, which looks fine until you see the "Tuesday is Dress Up From the 70s Day at Middle School" font

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We call ourselves creators and we just copy.

—Lauryn Hill

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Silent Hill 2, realmente me gusta como el terror del juego se basa en mostrar la sexualidad como algo perverso, de hecho sus enemigos son la manifestación de las fantasías y deseos del protagonista James.

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🌙UN Village hill
Side by side looking at the moon
You and me relax and chilling, ay, yeah💫

Buy unvillage on iTunes and physical albums bbhoes🤡 the whole album is bop after bop after bop

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(Ko-fi doodle) UFOtekkie asked me to show some love to the other Lakeside Amusement Park mascots in Silent Hill. Here's a cute Huey the Horse!

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started watching silent hill 4 playthrough while drawing so here is few sketches of "mom" and "son"

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URGH! Back to work after the most blissful weekend away in Cornwall to celebrate one of our good friends and collaborator wedding 💒 💖 - perhaps we need to move our office to the side of a sea hill?

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For the 14th day its...
I know its already the 15th for her and currently its 15th for me as well but fuck it i still did something vecause i love her Cool? Cool.

And i ripped off the Dog Ending from Silent Hill 2

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●ニュート(Fantastic Beast)
●レッドピラミッドシング(Silent Hill)

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More drawpile with and
We've pretty much made furry king of the hill but set in buttfuck nowhere alaska

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