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we havent talked in 4ever hi its avery i saw it was ur bday on fb so < 3 i totally butchered them but ;__;

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cant wait for me and my conceptual future butch wife to be this post

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Amber Blake Paperback | IDW Publishing | 112 pages
Amber Blake is a top recruit of a covert agency set on ending human slavery... and for her its personal. Writer Jade Lagardère, artist Butch Guice, inker Mike Perkins, & colors Dan Brown. Gripping story and exceptional art! 5/5

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「There's a Butcher Aroun」おつころーん!「かくれんごに見つかったらぬっころ~される」という見ててシステムが見ててわかりやすかったです!!何度もぬっころ~されながらも、クリアするまで頑張る不屈の精神のころさんでした~!(´︶`)

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day - one of my old homestuck fantrolls, axelle vacker. she killed and butchered her lusus and she keeps it to dry age in the back of her hive

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Sending congratulations to our Butcher of the Year winner – well done Tom and the fantastic team

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I couldn't figure out what to do, and so I ended up watching an episode of an old magical girl anime I saw growing up. I can already tell 4Kids probably butchered this thing, but. . .

Damn its cute! And oddly. . . Serious? The first ep's plot was suffocating the city lol.

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I I: I may end up flipping this account into Jun Kazama. Since every other Jun that came around has either disappeared, joined a toxic clique, became associated with WWE RP, went lewd or got hit with some serious character butchery.

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[ flight rising ] this dragon is Butch and needs a name. help me out

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Small gift doodle for !!! KARO THE BUNBUN,,, HAND HIM OVER 😳🤲🏻💞✨💦

Hope this cheers you up abit with the negative stuff that happened recently (*´ー`)ゞ;;;;; Stay positive and dont let it bother you to much 💦 ALSO I HOPE I DIDNT BUTCHER BLU BERRY BOI TO MUCH LOL

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This leader of Butcher gang is now a orangutan with a monkey tail, now with a deformed clone called Piper. These 🦧🧡🍇🍎🍈🥨 (in other words, these orangutans with tails loves fruity junk food)

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One of my most complex commissions so far, it was a lot of fun to draw the crystals. And I got to dabble in aseprite for the first time! Any tips on posting gifs without butchering them here? ✨

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"The air reeked of flesh, like an old butcher shop. Dried up petals, violently scattered, were a grim reminder that this place once held a wedding. A piercing yell echoes through the hallways. She senses an unwelcome guest."

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Reminder: Yang is Butch!

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I have some characters I would like to part ways with. I dont connect with them anymore and it would help a butt ton ♡

🌱Value: $10+ or HQ art
🌱Comes with: 1 piece

🌱Value: $70+
🌱Comes with 13 pieces

🌱Value: $40+ or HQ art
🌱Comes with 3 peices

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decided to draw winter peach design!! its so cute....I hope i didnt butcher anything jdhfnudji

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Making shellfish stock and chicken stock. Just butchered the chicken. I’m going to make seafood potato balls like .

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They call me The Barefoot Butcher.

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Day 1 - Katt !!

I was already planning to do smthng like this so I'm glad there's a challenge for it! I was so blessed to get her as a starter coz she's defo one of my favs out of the 'ugly' lineup💛

also she's a butch lesbian and u cant tell me otherwise!

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