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(Recurvirostra avosetta) sweep their curved bills side to side to search for aquatic invertebrates. SciArt by Elizabeth Gould for John Gould's Birds of Europe, Vol. 4 (1837). In via : https://t.co/AadRgdQXcL

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Very happy to learn my Jenga cartoon (published in last year) has been shortlisted and is part of the finalist works of the first edition of the European cartoon award organized by

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Very pleased to learn one of my cartoons has been shortlisted for the European Cartoon Award 2020 by


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partners call for all press cartoonists to be protected to ensure power can be scrutinised and satirised across Europe.


Cartoon: Mahmoud Abbas

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🦅Vienne, 11 juin 1859: Mort du Prince Metternich, à 86 ans.

Exécrant nationalisme et libéralisme, tous deux produits, selon lui, de la Révolution française, le Chancelier impérial d'Autriche exerça une influence déterminante dans la recomposition de l'Europe post-napoléonienne.

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‘Under water or under a knee, we can’t breathe’

Europe's indifference - at best - to deaths in the Mediterranean must be part of the conversation around race and racism in Europe

My piece in


(illustration by eneko + vero)

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Landschap met een weg door een bos en een valkenjager, 19?? https://t.co/XTgiYdXLye

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If we must have statues of Europeans who sailed to America, why don't we replace all the Christopher Columbus statues with Erik the Red? Every city is improved by the addition of an angry Viking.

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I am a bit late to report on this, but RUTM is 50% off on Nintendo of Europe's "Digital Days" sale!

Tell your friends! 🍁


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You're not getting it. LOL. The term "Afro-Asiatic" is in regards to their supranational language family of similar cultures that stretched across North Africa and West Asia before the arrival of Indo-Europeans like Hittites, Iranians, Greeks, Celts and Latins into Mediterranean.

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Pour 🛡️ l'#internationalheraldryday 🛡️ on craque sur les illustrations du "Livre d'or de la Noblesse..." ⚔️ qui répertorie quelques des plus nobles familles d'Europe 😍
👉 https://t.co/1G7p2SnSvP

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The thing is that European countries are tiny. So they could cross their intire country in 30-40 minutes technically being a far drive.

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Close to the Sun and The Town of Light getting "code-in-box" releases in Europe https://t.co/AX1iUYKton

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"United States vs Europe.
Nothing else to add," by eneko + vero via Proactiva Open Arms on Facebook

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