画質 高画質

the blue shadows. The purple bouncelight. The background that absolutely has nothing to do with the lighting.

An absolute aesthetic.

The sort of issue I often see with indie authors trying to replicate that is that they WILL make the 3d model convincingly styled, BUT

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・House of Davinci 2 リリース

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Sketched out the girls w/short hair, kinda as a what-if.
I think Blu would be up to it, but Lindsey would take a whole lot of convincing to even consider it...

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Yeah, right, you should really do more underdrawings with pencil like we can see in da Vinci's 'last supper' or van Gogh's 'the starry night' or ... oh wait ... 😁

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天才レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチの館の謎を解く、『The House of Da Vinci 2』App Storeに登場。

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Just a reminder, at MFF I’ll be having a pannel about an intro to D&D 5e on Saturday at 2pm in the DaVinci room. Come down if you’ve ever been interested in playing or you’ve got questions for a DM.

🎨 by (who will also be at the con check ‘em out)

4 9

"Perhaps back at the moon I should have chosen a different Strategy... I wonder if I could have swayed the Victor of the moon to my side by hiding among his little 'Council'

Then again, I doubt I could have played the Act of a convincing Student~"

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‘Provincial Olive Grove.’ by Guy Rose (1867-1925)

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Umineko, as if you needed any further convincing from Twitter randos

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Convincing fights in The Irishman

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Ha! Sucker! That clone is still me cuz you still have 1. MILLION. CLONES OF ME! Let's see will this one don't kill myself cuz I HATE JJBA! *use a Super Star to turn into invincible* This invincible power of me won't kill myself!

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So, Tubba Blubba is invincible because he had his heart removed, right? So does that mean...?

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The dahu is a mythical mountain goat-like creature from French lore, with legs shorter on one side to better climb the steep rock face. It’s the object of a lot of pranks, from convincing children of its existence to sending gullible people to hunt it down.

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Nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir Vinciane Zabban ( - ) pour la session plénière de cette JE: “Si jouer, c’est un qu’est-ce que construire un ? Techniques, pratiques et trajectoires de en milieu numérique”

4 19

The extraordinary William Blake, poet and artist, b otd 1757:

"The man who never in his mind and thoughts travel'd to heaven is no artist."
"When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do."

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These cartoon birds and their extremely convincing chicken disguises…

Golden Eggs was one of my top favorites when I was little, I’d watch it in slo-mo on the VHS player. Solid Ivory I just saw for the first time yesterday!

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In an attempt to start posting more, I bring you in a hope of convincing myself things don't have to be perfect to be posted. Will these get finished? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Who knows?

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Lajasvenator ascheriae fue un dinosaurio terópodo carcharodontosaurido de principios del Cretácico.
Sus restos fueron encontrados en la Provincia de Neuquén, Argentina.
Lajasvenator es el carcharodontosáurido más antiguo registrado en Sudamérica, y el más pequeño en el mundo.

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L'occasione di ottenere una Wacom Cintiq Pro 24!
Segui l'account ufficiale di CLIP STUDIO PAINT, retwitta questo tweet, e vinci una Wacom Cintiq Pro 24! Qui i dettagli per partecipare:

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