画質 高画質

Eventually did she come to accept that it IS possible for her to expand her range of affection beyond just therapeutical relationships, as this romantic attraction she has for Lancelot would thrive for decades to come, him faithfully visiting her garden of hope every night.

0 11

Over and over, the couple touched each other's faces, doting over how beautiful one another is and how gleeful they are to have crossed paths. "I make mistakes, but with your patience, you will see me learn to do right by you," promises Lancelot, "The conclusion to your ecstasy!"

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"Lancelot..." Nimue hesitantly placed her hand on the brooding hedgehog's elbow. "You must despise me," he muttered, his voice cracking in sorrow and remorse, "I would as well." The compassionate Lady rested her head on her loyal Knight's shoulder and whispered "Never" kindly.

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He softly peppers kisses on the little woman's face, frantic to prevent ruining their long-established connection. Nimue begins moaning quietly as Lancelot hovers over her and removes physical contact from her, silently missing the passion he had just exposed her to. (aimyNeko)

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After a while of subtly rubbing his erection against her lower lips, Lancelot searches Nimue's face and discovers that she is frightened by his forwardness, which encourages him to apologize for being nothing but a man, never meaning to hurt or scare the love of his life. (aoki)

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"I beg to differ," sighs Lancelot, stroking Nimue's bosom with his claws, the other hand peeling back her undergarments as he observes her rousing flower blossom. "You were made for love as much as I was" he grins, lying the large result of his lust on top of her. (BloomPhantom)

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"Th-This is not my purpose!" Nimue yells, embarrassed that her platonic relationship with the Knight of the Lake will never be the same. Lancelot gently holds and lowers her to the flower bed below, right beside the pleasant swaying of the glowing water in the evening wind.(Aoki)

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Although it takes a lot of nervous bravery to convince himself that he should embrace his attraction for the kindhearted enchantress, Lancelot unconsciously runs his sharp gauntlet down Nimue's smooth arm and asks her "Can you feel this?" She stares in confusion. (mihachan88 art)

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Once they start their usual jovial conversations back up again, Lancelot makes the brash decision to forget his plan of abandoning her company as he realizes that Nimue is the ONLY person who can make him this happy. Why throw away such a lovely thing for silly closeted feelings?

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Berenger and Ancel! modern au!

32 116

Instead of y'all trying to cancel Scott and doxx the shit out of him and threaten to k/ll his family, I suggest leaving the fandom and leave the man alone. Just say your opinion and leave. The door is open.

8 33

Nothing about Beyond Good and Evil 2 at Ubi (note: Michel Ancel left Ubi in 2020).

Here are some (old) artworks for consolation.

Art by Omar Sabrou and Pierre Bertin:

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And without wishing to stir the knife in the wound, because the game was canceled in 2009, but thanks for the artworks of Aliens: Crucible. We don't forget the work done.

Art by Andy Chung and Kye Wan Sung:

6 40

So far, I think its safe to say that Blaster Blade Seeker is the RP G2.

But if both RP & SP are getting revealed tomorrow, doesn't that mean there is a higher chance of Blaster Dark Revenger???👀🌃

(Sort of like how Mordred & Gancelot were revealed together)

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Base by
(This is Tart's butt they are 19 and go by any pronouns please don't cancel me TwT)

2 54

Meu casal literário que eu fico sem ar só de imaginar sua história!!
Para vocês que estão vazios igual eu nesse dia dos namorados!

83 494

WXS Can Badge
📦 September 2021
✅ Include ongkir+cukai
💸 100k/each
💸 190k/set of 2
💸 475k/set of 5
🆗 DP 50%

❗BATAS DP: 28 JUNI 2021❗


*kena sisa apabila tidak full

-Dipesan ketika sisa 1

0 0

And Disney cancels it to bring us these serial attempts without seriousness.

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