画質 高画質

ball キープs moving アランランラン(round and round)がめっちゃ好き

0 35

thinking abt ball ver ka again

0 10

This Scorbunny is very energetic, he wants to play all day long!! + Ultra ball

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This Golett will definitely help you if you are in trouble!!! + Heavy ball

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This Skarmory is super fast when flying! (He's trying to impress you!!) + Premier ball

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This very special (shiny) Charmander wants to be like you!! He's eager to evolve and have cool wings like you do!! + Ultra ball

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This baby Cherubi seems to look up to you, he wants to take care of you but in the end it will have to be the other way around until he evolves... he's super cute tho!!! + Heal ball

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For some reason this Gastly is following you around! Will you let him join you? + Dusk ball

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This Snorunt is hiding behind you. What would happen if you give her a Dawn stone... + Luxury ball

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This jumpy Sentret wants to evolve already so he can have pointy ears similar to yours!! + Nest ball

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This Seviper seems to like you, if you help him sharpen his tail he will protect you forever!! + Level ball

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It's said that Honedge feeds on the life force of the person... You might be safe from that and he seems to like you anyway!! + Great ball

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This Larvesta approaches you, it seems like he likes you! He thinks he has to evolve in order to help you properly!! He will definitely be a powerful companion! + Repeat ball

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This cute Sinistea enjoys pranking people pretending to be a regular cup of tea. Don't stirr it or else he will get dizzy!! + Heal ball

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This Lunatone feels drawn towards you, he feels at ease around you!! + Moon ball

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This Ralts wants to be your friend!! Will you go adventuring with him? + Friend ball

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This sweet Swirlix seems to follow you around, he likes you!! + Dream ball

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This Glaceon wants to join you, but he seems more interested in Pokémon Contests than fighting! + Dive ball

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This Karrablast might not look too powerful now but someday he will evolve into a cool Escavalier!! + Heavy ball

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This Alolan Meowth wants to join you, he also loves solving mysteries! + Heavy ball

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