画質 高画質

i want to contribute to despite my current business, so have an oldy but goody with Megami Arashi

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Kazuma Kaneko es uno de los mejores diseñadores de monstruos de la historia del videojuego: la saga JRPG Shin Megami Tenshei recibía gracias a él criaturas como estas. Anime y videojuego en otro nivel artístico completamente desconocido.

5 14

お待たせしました!C94の朱羅同人誌『MEGAMIDEVICE ASRA CUSTOMIZE』が24日からコトブキヤさんで予約開始です。 

622 1026

Rika (Shin Megami Tensei Dx2 Liberation)

9 56

megamind but shes a trans lesbian

487 2658

Tagged by and
I have like many of each megami that I love but I will select few to show my appreciation with them. Well here they are. 😤😍😍😍😻❤👏

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I haven't played too many of the Megami Tensei games, but I really love this little guy

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Took inspiration from the Persona art to create a new icon for myself!

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