画質 高画質

I forgot to share on here. These are the new TGCF pins in the making. I am doing the pantones and such as we speak. The art is yours truly

Please keep in mind that I might do one or two. BUT not all three!!

19 84

Cita citaku adalah menjadi Kirito!
kalian tau gak sih? Kio itu asal mulanya dari Kirito? jadi sbenernya nama asliku itu 𝗞ir𝗜t𝗢 alias 𝗞ir𝗜gaya kazut𝗢
gudbai Kiotaka, now Kirito is my fren

0 19

Australian Magpie oil on board

12 15

Lewod: The Wooden Plug Pokemon


Convergent Evolution of Rotom for my Australian Region

Loweds were once often used pokemon to help with construction, now an abandoned, unneeded wooden spirit.

Loweds roam around the region, longing to be a part of something bigger.

4 18

pov you're thirdwheeling hualian

132 1238

Valentina, ela é um soldada italiana, tem uma personalidade aventureira e amigável

1 2

Comfy sketch❤️🥰

438 2772

🎨Adolfo Belimbau (1845–1938) was an Italian painter.

6 23

Art! Sharing proses wip. Biasanya kalian makan waktu berapa lama buat selesaiin satu karakter? Sender rata2 makan waktu 10 jam dari start sampe finish~ Kalo tertarik sender kasih lihat hasil jadinya di kolom reply~!

0 4

[JOI Spotlight] Okakoro Man Edition

Dengan ini mayoritas seri blok musim gugur harusnya sudah hadir. Jadi kalian nonton apa aja? https://t.co/Yibk9JCiSq

5 14

Karyaku! Asalnya mau pakai gambar inj untuk ikut lomba, cuma karena ada sesuatu.. jadi gabisa selesai tepat waktu... Kira" Kalau lihat gambar ini pesan yg kalian dapat apa?

0 7

What a plot twist! We are proud to introduce to the world our beautiful pasta queen Reginette!!!
She will bring you lots of fun and great food to EponaFest, you can't miss that out!!!

Eponafest 2023: Italian food🍝

Comic by , ,

17 60

Hi Joshua! I'm Laura, an Italian artist living in Iceland, and I'd love to work with you on Godhunt if you think I could be a good fit. I love fantasy and colourful palettes ☺️

✉️ lauragalli.art.com
✏️ https://t.co/6n90W9rEyH

1 25

kapan² diblur sekalian semua biar enak sini mandangnya

0 1

art! tag gambar kalian yang ada ikannya

0 19

*jpf kalo kalian ketemu bayi ini, kalian bakal gimana?

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Doodle of the Day: Study for Crivelli's Garden (1990), Pen, ink and watercolour on paper, Paula Rego (1935 – 2022). Paula Rego was inspired in this study by a 15th-century Italian altarpiece by Carlo Crivelli, (c. 1430 - 1495) to produce an exploration of women from the bible.

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Started reading Heaven Officials Bleassing!

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