画質 高画質

While getting over my dumb mistake I wanted to practice hands... and I ended up making this very cursed Volt...

3 17

Oh yer also drew some more fan art today!
this time Khora with Fem vauban!

3 44

I am Kizuna
Collab with tris-ghost last month
She draw the character and i draw the environment
I love painting that sky, also I’ve been experimenting with new brush for pines.

1 2

Has my Harrow WIP curse lifted? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This was based off one of my fashion frame looks

17 52

So, I'm doing a Sonic / Warframe crossover 👀 First runner up is Sonic-Volt.

I thought Sonic would like a risky playstyle so he's a melee main, using emerald colored Ether Daggers.

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accept this bad attempt at drawing Nova. But you look alright.

2 86

I’m so sorry for not being too alove around here huhu... I’m currently more on Instagram. Anyways here’s a purple boi in progress💜

1 10

Warframes are the definition of "I don't know what's going on and at this point I'm too afraid to ask"

Still love drawing 'em tho

3 20

Nidus is about to commit a felony, how dare he! A reupload from earler, I'm super proud of this one I spent a whole lotta time on shading it n stuff

7 48

Mame Fanart Collection

Mame: I only start to study the night before the test!


Cr. 一颗黄胖次

0 11