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Day 118. Just something silly before bed.

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One final WIP before bed. More progress on Alice this evening. Those eyes!

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Tweeting this one last time before I go to bed. Forever paranoid that won't see it D:

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And I'm all alone, in my bed. I'm Frightened.

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Getting ready bed... ~3~ that was a nice bath *puts on his robe playing with his hair*

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Good morning tweeterers! Last day of holiday and enjoying a few more minutes in bed. Check out Sleepy Chimp x

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Goodnight, everypony! Have some Woona and Fausticorn before I leave for bed. :) XD

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(OOC: As much as I would love to stay up and keep drawing - I'm on a roll! - I should probably go to bed. Night!)

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Quick update on the Venom wip before going to bed.

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well, io need to go to bed. otherwise ill stay up till 3 again... so here have a Derpy!

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[FANART] DBSK playing in bed. OMG so cute \o/ cr as tagged

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I'm off to
Do the lights will you ?

in his night gown.

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Even my writer ridiculous pictures can't cheer me up. I'm going to bed.

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Here's a little a little drawing of Piwi before I head to bed. Goodnight!

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Looking better. Finally the fun part - painting!
Now if you'll excuse me, I shall get absorbed.

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Digital painting b4 bed. Good night world

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[Fanart] Taoris on the bed...>////< ♥ //CR:

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Because lazy don't give a fuck going to bed.

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Um... Just saw this cartoon drawing of and a fan. A bit disturbed. No words....

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