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(3/365) KIKI!!!! not my fav day so far cuz i was kind of stumped on what to draw today ><

120 300

For you critters that haven't seen the finished Grog and Kiki figures.

159 1201

[KIKI]羽多野渉さん、斉藤壮馬さん、西山宏太朗さん、武内駿輔さん演じる「おみくじ四兄弟」からのお正月限定ボイスメッセージがお楽しみいただけるのは本日(1/3)まで。ボイスおみくじもあわせてお楽しみください◎ https://t.co/GTOhsHOae6

49 124


0 4

so sad to hear about Debbie Reynolds. She provided the english voice of Madame in Kiki's Delivery Service. She was so vastly talented!

131 568

A hastily drawn Christmas Kiki for !

2 8

A WIP of a much, much larger piece from the stream, have a kiki preview

6 132

Cuando descubres que Tombo, el amigo de Kiki en 'Nicky, la aprendiz de bruja', en realidad es Wally 😂

160 297

unplugged community 1年間お疲れさまでした!

1 3

Don't forget to follow me for updates! :D
and (previous post) just went online on my

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Boceto original a acuarela de 'Nicky, la aprendiz de bruja / Kiki, entregas a domicilio' (Hayao Miyazaki, 1989).

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Looking to get your own "Loaf" icon? Our very own Kiki-UMA makes these for $15 each!


26 51

Marcelo Melo and Kiki Bertens signed Epoch IPTL trading cards!


17 18

Final cool down for the night. Haven't drawn Kiki in AGES (had to fix that).

53 587

I love Kiki's Delivery Service, and this happens to be the Nov Fan Art reward for my patreon. Voting starts tomorrow for next month's art!

2 10

I needed to take a break so I doodled Kiki qwq

32 143

Boceto original a acuarela de 'Nicky, la aprendiz de bruja / Kiki, entregas a domicilio' (Hayao Miyazaki, 1989).

73 224