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Exhibiting artist Lili, aims to make the audience realise the importance of Mother Nature through the stories that show the by-products of human activities.

Grand parade campus
Open 14th - 25th September

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Chocolate Parade - 妃苺

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Did you know the Solar Parade has a history? Join the fun this weekend in and win cards for any Special Character in the game!

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Ways to support Guilty Parade:

💛 Likes, retweets, comments
💚 Creative work (use hashtag and let us know )
💙 Donations:

Thank you very much!

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by night, he is a guilt parader, by day... Kliff from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

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A preview of my piece for Memento Mori, a Death Parade tarot zine hosted by ! All profits will be donated to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. It was lovely to be able to contribute to this zine!!! Preorder the zine here: https://t.co/quyA7BuRzZ

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Finally got around to watching Death Parade and damn.
"Flyers" is upbeat and catchy as hell.
"Last Theater" is my cup of tea & hits the feels just right.
MADHOUSE studio never disappoints me.
I got so invested in each player's story. My heartstrings were pulled in all directions.

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Exhibiting artist Woo Seon Jeong’s project recalls her traces.
Grand parade campus
Open 14th - 25th September
📍Find out more here ➡️ https://t.co/0XcKK25xR9

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9/12(木) 15:30-17:30


追加チェキ 1000円
タピオカ 500円

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Hello! Please check out Memento Mori: a Tarot themed Death Parade Zine >> https://t.co/Up0HaQ6oGs

All profits from this project will be donated to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

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the full drawing that I did for back then! Edda's Voidsent Parade~

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アニメーターすしおが、BiSHやGANG PARADEらWACK所属アーティストを描いた300ページ超のイラスト集『ALTERNATiVE SiDE of SUSHiO』10月11日発売! 9月23日の BiSH ワンマンライブ@大阪城ホールで特別先行販売も決定。しかもこの日のみの特別版! マストバイだ!!

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【NEWS】アニメーターすしお、BiSHらWACK所属メンバーを描いた300ページ超イラスト集を発売 https://t.co/0HcKqzv8Pa

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PCゲーム「マジカミ」と再びコラボ、ALより書き下ろし楽曲の3曲タイアップ決定!!全国ツアーでお披露目された「LOVE COMMUNIATION」のLIVE映像、初公開‼️


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新クエスト「魔楼掃討 デモンズバベル」バトルBGMに「GANG PARADE」の書き下ろし楽曲3曲追加されたわ!
タイアップ楽曲「ALONE」「Ready Go!」「Poison」は、11/12発売のメジャー1stアルバム「LOVE PARADE」に収録予定よ!

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新刊3冊目は『KEIZOKU PARADE-aurinko-』です‼️

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Need a parade drum? I got ya covered!

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