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@The_Smug_Baku This smol Mime Jr imitates all you do, he's super cute!!! + Great ball
@DragonEmperor This Bagon wants to prove you how strong he is!! + Ultra ball
@Kura9296 This Hoppip lands on your head to rest for a bit, but it seems he likes you!!! + Heal ball
@OfficialHntai Take care of this Taillow and make sure he doesn't get hurt, he feels like he can protect you from everything and he won't doubt about fighting against an stronger opponent!! + Great ball
@Shin_Makeru You feel him staring right into your soul, but you know he doesn't mean any harm... He asks for sweets all the time! + Heal ball
@SpiderShatterin This Nickit loves adventure, he wants to become a hero!! + Luxury ball
@DemondewYT This Darumaka is a bit lazy but he likes adventure!! + Timer ball
@HorroPunishable This Houndour likes to act as if he is tough, but he enjoys belly rubs the most... + Luxury ball
@STARchildytc This Eevee is very lively, he might be a bit mischiveous but he just wants to have fun!! + Ultra ball
@DeepSeaKaijuKia This Axew thinks you are really cool and he wants to join you!! + Dusk ball
@TomfooleryVtube This tiny and gentle Cleffa feels drawn towards you, he's following you everywhere!! + Moon ball
@Fae_Works A Gible approaches you and acts as if he was guarding you, he wants to protect you!! + Repeat ball
@UmeKatsumiVT This very special Fennekin wants to join you! Give him smol branches to chew on and he will love you!! + Premier ball
@EnviaVT This Spinarak is very energetic and he wants to evolve as soon as possible so he can protect you properly!! + Net ball
@Gabriel04083452 He's a bit mischievous and he enjoys tricking people, but he doesn't mean real harm to others! He's fun to be around!! + Repeat ball
@Defarius This Deino is not a fast learner, but he's certainly giving his best!! If you take care of him he will evolve into a powerful Hydreigon someday! + Level ball
Artfight 2022 Day 1:
1st Art: Mushroom (bill-cipher)
2nd Art: Trashy (@krustykrampizza)
3rd Art: Usay (alexml)
4th Art: Bowling Ball's Bow On Fire (@TAFTMARZ)
@LadyWillowRiver This gentle Snom likes to relax in cold areas, he feels drawn towards you and you have the feeling that he wants you to pick him up! + Super ball
It's almost the 7th anniversary!
A Returning Campaign is on! The more returning players there are, the more rewards we'll get!
Story Events related to "Dragon Ball GT" and "Dragon Ball Super: Broly" are on!
#dokkanbattle #dokkan #dragonball
Lucy Steel and Funny Valentine
Jojo part 7 "Steel Ball Run"