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CR寒庭落薇 https://t.co/ohKBtnh7JM

27 132

With you and the flowers (CG) (SR)

0 0

Antagonistic Quarter CG

0 0

(Masato) SR Ice-Cool Heart CG

0 6

(Syo) SR Shining☆Romance CG

0 8


23 91

(UR) My Dearest Flower CG

"Welcome to our anniversary show! Swing your rainbow flowers and cheer us on, because we're gonna fly on over to you!"

0 1

CG in Part 5 was mostly just Aerosmith which is a static prop, not a fully rigged character or animal in this case. What I hope is that the horses will look more like characters in Beastars and less like clay with celshading

0 35

The paint is peeling from your walls. You smell copper. Everything's fuzzy. Your head is pounding. You look at some early CG art for FF7 where the sword only had one hole because that's funny and WAIT, THE BOX. WHY DOES THE BOX LOOK MORE LIKE THE CRISIS CORE VERSION???

1 34

pixivFANBOXで支援者さま向けの新作イラスト公開しました。先月から定期リリース中のシリーズもの。森で魔物に襲われてた剣士さんを救出……のその後、な1枚です。どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます! 「++」以上支援者さま向けには、次回はCG集企画とTIPSを予定しています。それぞれお楽しみに!

54 251

(SR) Tropical Vacation CG

"My heart was racing when we were taken to the island blindfolded. I'm glad it was a nice place and that we could all swim!"

1 3




0 0

Antagonistic Quarter CG

0 0