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I’ve never really drawn Sonic characters before, but now I see how fun they are! I tried drawing some Sonic girls including my favourites Blaze and Shade, I then drew some more Shades (+ one Clutch) because I love Sonic Chronicles and she needs more appreciation 💜

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1000 favourites !!
Thank you Everyone !!!! (*'ω'*)

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Bringing back some old favourites (of mine) to play with some lighting.

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The sky went through quite a few phases this evening on its way to Here are a few of my favourites. 1/4

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Hey thanks for the thread

Here's two of my favourites from this year so far. The third is a piece that I've almost finished! I'm so excited!

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Darkwhispers ; WTWTW ; Evernight , The Missing & Tiger Heart are books everyone should be reading right now. Have you read Lampie ? One of my favourites of last year. Coming in paperback this year.

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I can't actually decide my top 4 but here are a few of my favourites

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Happy belated Valentine's Day with ! Fun games with my partner with both our favourites in the one rotation!💖💗💝💘💛💙🥰

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Have been taking photos and editing them recently!! Here are some of my favourites 😊

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A Look Back At.. Weather Photography Favourites September 2019 - more photos 🤜 https://t.co/ZRSnfR29Qd

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Any Vocaloid fans here ? 🎶

Who are your favourites ? I'd love to discover some I don't know !
Mine are GUMI, IA, v flower and VY2 Yuuma 😃

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She's a cool dork and one of my favourites in the whole game

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I've been enjoying playing Temtem, and figured I'd do a quick drawing of my favourites from the game

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I love mushrooms too! My favourites are these: Shiitake, Cantharellus cibarius, cantharellus lutescens and Craterellus cornucopioides

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And one of my favourites
Keja a earth/fire genasi rogue
She loves life and always looks for ways to have fun even if its gonna be dangerous

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ヴァレンティオンのために アーティストが特別な絵を描いていますー!是非 見てください~
もちろん、オルシュファンとカリーをお願いしましたw 💕

Thank you so much again for drawing my two favourites people 💜✨

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