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Chuffed to pieces with a craftperson’s swap over on Instagram 🙂

I sent Karina ( IG only) a framed ‘Girl from Ipanema ‘
And she send me my colourised portrait

She’s taken 30 years off me and I love it 😊


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March 2016, I wanted to make even more chibis.
Carmen, Clarisse, Karin and Tyler this time

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The Center Of Multisensory Art is a space dedicated to the exploration and experimentation of the forgotten senses. Sophia Ioannou Gjerding, Emelie Carlen, & Anne Naukkarinen have been selected to develop a piece of art https://t.co/4bbDjQhj4k

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Kamichama Karin and the evolutions of love are my favorite thing okay

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>クリスマスメドゥーサちゃんをお願いします! https://t.co/y4lB1GTbfF

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Here's the finished Karin pic! Sorry if I messed up the colors ^^;

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to one of my first ever attempts at digital-paint rendering (didn't quite have the lineart-less confidence at this point yet) and an original character I designed yeeeeeeeeears ago called Karina - a Frost-Wolf.
We're talking around/before 2013 x)

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「Sewing My MODE」は今でも大好きなナンバーです!

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Karin is an Igglybuff!

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I made a FEH sprite splice of 's new mascot Karina! Congratulations to her and her artist!

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Today’s WIP! It’s Karin, from ‘s comic. As per usual, I’m missing some colors 😒

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>クールな冥守の長アイシャお時間あればよろしくお願いします https://t.co/ZdvSlOxWje

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Thank you so much for the support that you all have been showing us!
We have created two mobile screensavers: One for Karin and one for Klaus. Please enjoy, and have a lovely weekend!

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