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Fanbox Downloader、名前が被ってると同じフォルダに入っちゃうのか...。Windowsが別名で保存してくれてるから助かったけど。


1 10

ご要望にお応えして欠損娘とついでに家畜娘のMac版公開しました。制作環境がwindowsなのでちゃんとプレイできるか確認できてないのですが、DLして遊びたい方がいたらどうぞ~ なんか変なこと起きてたら教えてください……

3 9

🔗製作中の異世界召喚RPG「NEXT DOOR」のテストプレイヤー様を募集します
Windows XP以降の環境をお持ちでご興味のある方はお気軽にお申し付けくださいませm(_ _)m

33 44

Apple Music
スマホでは良いけど、Windows PCで再生がクソすぎるので、やっぱりAmazonだわと思った

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Do humanoid creatures count? I think they should.

I actually really like making creatures cuz anatomy can be thrown out the window.

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Woman Peeling Potatoes near a Window, 1881

6 69

Takkun just look out from window like he waiting for someone.

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I mean, plus side, at least it'll fill a browser window properly now, if that's your thing.

On the other hand... not sure this is what people were after when they were complaining about Funi's subtitles...

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🧜🧜 Sirens of the Sea are movingggggggg....

Looks like people are gearing up to claim their FREE + gas Trident weapons for the Isle of NaN PVP.

There will only be a 2-3 week window and each Siren can only claim 1.

31 66

Aqui a grande tristeza da minha vida

Fiquei umas duas semanas otimizando esse sistema de Mode 7, pra simular um jogo 3D, e ficou lindo, mas deu bug na hora de fazer os builds pra Windows

Repare que as nuvens mexem junto com a câmera, tudo gambiarra 🥲

0 14

I don’t want to tell how long it took me to figure out how to make these windows.

0 2

I also got this super nice bust of my OC again by My big beautiful boys changed so much since they first drew him! Thank you so much for making him look so beautiful! Also the big tiddy window is a 10/10 love it when his tibbys can pop. Thank you!!!

2 9

The eyes are the windows to the soul. ✨

1 5

Except for the fact that Mattel's toys didn't match the animation, so that's out the window too.

Truth is, they had a limited budget, so worked with what they could.

1 3

Thank you Mimo! I wanna tried that version of his as well, does anyone have a ref of his front or should I just make it boob window?? 😂😂😂

1 26

On CNE Games, Champions of Lore the cast periodically jokes about Orcus with a boombox ouside the Raven Queen's window. So I threw one together, It's far from perfect though

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